Malkhut’s Youth Institute for Spirituality and Action: Educator


Malkhut is a 6-year-old start up progressive Jewish spiritual community in Western Queens (LIC, Astoria,  Jackson Heights, Sunnyside, Woodside). We engage in music, contemplative prayer, mindfulness  meditation through a Jewish lens, text study, and social justice work. Our vision is to build an open,  inclusive community of spiritual seekers, especially for those who may not have found a home in more  conventional religious settings, including Jewish individuals of all ages, families with kids, interfaith  couples, Jews of color, LGBTQ folks, and curious seekers. We meet in rental spaces across Western  Queens. 

Malkhut’s Youth Institute for Spirituality and Action: 

Malkhut’s Youth Institute for Spirituality and Action focuses on fostering a spiritual, mindful, and socially  engaged Jewish community, beginning with its children. The Youth Institute meets on the first and third  Saturday mornings of every month for children of mixed ages, from birth to 7th grade. In addition to our  bi-monthly Shabbat morning gatherings, we also offer holiday programming, Hebrew instruction,  BMitzvah preparation, and informal meet-ups. 

We are devoted to exploring the diversity and plurality of what it means to be Jewish and aim to do so  through creating an inclusive and collaborative space. With a growing community of children at Malkhut,  we are excited for the future! 


Malkhut is seeking an educator, or madricheh (the gender-neutral Hebrew word for “guide”), to lead bi monthly sessions for the Youth Institute. Specifically, Malkhut is looking for a madricheh for our  Kindergarten through 6th grade student population. Our students will be split up into three sections (this  position is only responsible for one of these sections): 

• Kindergarten & 1st Grade (Shtilim

• 2nd & 3rd Grade (Anafim

• 4th, 5th, and 6th Grade (Mekhinim

The madricheh will report directly to the Director of Education to discuss programmatic goals and learn  about how to align their teaching methodologies with Malkhut’s spiritual vision. While a general  curriculum will be provided, the Youth Institute is a collaborative effort, and the madricheh will have the  flexibility and freedom to infuse their pedagogy and passions into their lessons. The madricheh’s main  areas of focus will be in teaching Jewish holidays, with an emphasis on Jewish culture, values, diversity, and social justice. 

Time and Compensation: 

The Youth Institute takes place on the first and third Saturday of each month, beginning November 5th and ending June 17th (14 sessions). We will also be holding an Open House/Sukkot Shabbat event on  October 15th. These sessions last a total of 2 hours and 15 minutes, beginning at 9:30 AM and ending at  11:45 AM. In addition, there may be opportunities to participate in and lead programming for holiday  celebrations. Preparation for sessions, as well as scheduled meetings with the Director of Education and  other Malkhut staff are also included within the madricheh’s time. We are offering $190 per session (including preparation and teaching), and $20/hour for meetings and non-teaching engagements.

Given the current situation surrounding the pandemic, flexibility and understanding is required. Our  physical space is located at Community United Methodist Church in Jackson Heights. 


1. Teach lessons steeped in Jewish diversity, social justice, and Jewish values on the first and third  Saturday of every month for a select cohort of children (14 sessions). 

2. Prepare lesson plans, with the aid of the Director of Education. 

3. Attend monthly check-in with the Director of Education to track the curriculum’s progress,  discuss any material needs, and participate in any pedagogical training as needed. 4. Attend one meeting in June with the Director of Education, other madrichim, and Rabbi to  evaluate the year’s program. 

5. Communicate with parents. 

6. Prepare for and lead holiday programming as needed (optional). 


• Experience teaching in a non-traditional learning environment 

o Familiarity with liberal Jewish spiritual/religious education 

▪ Hebrew proficiency or interest in Hebrew teaching is a plus! 

▪ Familiarity and comfort with Jewish music education is a plus! 

o Commitment to social justice education 

o Inquiry-based, storytelling, and arts-based pedagogical approaches are a plus!

• Ease and passion for working with young children 

• Interest in the creative process of building programming in a start-up Jewish spiritual  community 

• Strong interpersonal, organizational, and communication skills 

• Live in or near Western Queens 

• Able to work remotely and in-person (all programming is in-person, with some meetings  potentially taking place remotely) 

• Identify with the mission of Malkhut (

• Humor, flexibility, and adaptability, which are needed more than ever in this pandemic moment 

Women, LGBTQ individuals, Jews of color, and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to  apply. 

If interested in Malkhut’s Youth Institute for Spirituality and Action – Educator position, please send  your resume and cover letter to the Director of Education. Please include a description of your  commitment to and experiences regarding social justice education. 

Lynn Grossman