New York University: Research Undergraduate Interns
The Participating in Literacies and Computer Science team seeks research interns to work on a National Science Foundation funded project that is supporting and studying how bilingual kids in NYC schools learn to program computers.
QUALIFICATIONS Undergrad interns must study at NYU or any CUNY and be a US citizen or permanent resident. Teacher interns must be a current or future teacher. Desired qualifications include experience or interest in working with kids or in teaching, experience working with technology (web design, programming, or media creation), and/or experience in library research, writing and interviewing. Interest or background in multilingualism is very welcome.
Undergrads/teachers with an interest in education research, teaching, technology, or multilingualism are welcomed (prior experience in all areas not needed). The interns will help with research working with K-12 teachers. Duties may include library research, transcription and translation, helping develop lesson plans or simple software in Scratch, gathering information and from community organizations, or facilitating teacher workshops. Hours negotiable but will be between 8-20 hours per week. Pay is $15/hour for undergraduates and comparable to DOE per session for teachers.
Learn about the project via our award winning project video.
To apply, upload resume and cover letter. Review begins Feb 15 2021.
Questions? Email us at